How to Prepare for Your Newborn Session

With Rachel Alfieri

Black and White Newborn Baby photo


  • It’s never too early to book your newborn photo session to ensure a spot. I only schedule a limited number of sessions each month to allow plenty of time and attention for each client. When a session is booked, I’ll reserve an approximate time frame on my calendar that will be saved for you with the actual date being selected once your baby is born.

  • Newborn babies are ideal to photograph between 7-21 days old when they are still very flexible and womb-like and spend most of their time sleeping. If for some reason your baby is unable to be photographed during this time frame, don’t worry. With the exception of possibly a few poses, we will still be able to capture many beautiful images of your baby. 

  • All newborn sessions are scheduled Monday-Friday. My newborn sessions last between 1-3 hours depending on the package you choose. While I understand this seems like a long time, it is important to have extra time built in for feeding, changing, and soothing your newborn. For the parents and younger children, I have a relaxing area with seating, a beverage bar, and a washroom for your comfort. Feel free to bring a book, catch up on emails, or simply sit back and enjoy watching the session. 

  • Absolutely! A collection of fine-quality outfits and accessories are available, including quality handmade hats, bonnets, and headbands, as well as an assortment of baskets, bowls, and other props. Though there is nothing that you need to bring for your baby, if there is something special you’d like to incorporate into the session like a family heirloom, just let me know. 

  • All sessions take place in my home photography studio, located in Manassas, VA 20112. This assures that I have proper lighting and access to all my props. 

  • Dress the baby in loose-fitting clothes to avoid any lines on their skin and to avoid disturbing the baby when you undress them. A simple button/zip sleeper is best. Please avoid onesies or anything that has to be pulled off over the baby’s head. Skip tight socks to avoid leaving lines on their skin. 

  • All of those classic, sleepy newborn images parents love will require your baby to be in his or her deepest sleep. I like to recommend keeping the baby awake for 1-2 hours before your session to ensure they are good and sleepy for the session. This is very important. Without this, we spend too much time getting them to sleep and not as much time photographing them. If you’re trying to tire out your baby, stimulating the baby with a bath or giving them “naked time” prior to the session are some tricks that you can use! Don’t stress if you cannot do this; it’s simply a suggestion. Babies have their own ideas of when they want to sleep and that’s ok too.

    Ideally, I want you to feed your baby before you leave the house so that their stomach has time to register that it’s full and they can fall asleep on the car ride. Even if your baby is awake when you arrive, that’s fine… as long as we know you just fed him/her a big meal. For breastfeeding moms, please avoid any spicy foods for 24 hours. If possible, please bring an extra bottle in case the baby gets hungry mid-session. Of course, we’ll take plenty of breaks for messes, feeding, and soothing. 

  • If you can bring a pacifier for your baby, even if only for the session, this will make the work much easier. Babies have a natural sucking reflex, and it helps soothe them into the poses we are looking for while making for easier transitions and getting them to sleep. If your baby won’t take a pacifier or you do not feel comfortable offering one, don’t worry. I can work with whatever is right for you and your family.  

  • If you plan on having sibling and parent photos in your newborn photography session, we will capture those images during the first 20-30 minutes of the session. Sibling and family photos will be taken while the baby is wrapped. Given the size of my studio, it is a good idea (but not required) for siblings that are included in photoshoots to leave when their portion is done. Driving two cars to the photoshoot or having dad take siblings out and returning when the session is ending to pick up mom and baby are good options.

    I suggest you wear something comfortable. Jeans with a neutral tone (beige, cream, gray, etc.) t-shirt, blouse, or tank top (for mom) work best. For the most part, parent shots are taken from the chest up. If you do decide to have parent and/or family photos, please be sure that your nails are manicured (nothing fancy, just not chipped and ideally with polish) as your hands will make their way into the photos. I understand that many new moms are self-conscious, so please know that I focus on using flattering angles and lighting to create beautiful images you will cherish.